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People-Centered Sales: A Pathway to Sustainable Growth

August 1, 2024
People-Centered Sales: A Pathway to Sustainable Growth

Today it’s more important than ever for businesses to adopt a people-centered approach to selling to achieve sustainable growth. At RB Consulting, we often refer to Customer-Centric Selling as People-Centered Sales because, after all, even in B2B sales, people are buying from people. Our People-Centered Sales Approach, combines Emotional Intelligence (EQ) + Strategy to provide a comprehensive framework to thrive  in sales by focusing on the people. Here, we explore this approach through six key steps and showcase successful B2B organizations that exemplify people-centered sales.

Step 1: Growth & Abundance Mindset

Mindset is the cornerstone of success in sales. The business world and sales often operate from a place of scarcity… Not enough time, not enough resources, not enough clients for everyone to be successful.  A growth and abundance mindset shifts the focus from scarcity to possibilities. By adopting this mindset our perspective changes, we see opportunities everywhere and  approach challenges with optimism and resilience, fostering better relationships and driving success.

Practical Example: Implement regular training sessions focused on mindset development, encouraging sales teams to embrace positive thinking and continuous learning.

Step 2: Understanding Influence with EQ

Influence is the psychology behind why people say "yes." Understanding the factors of influence and persuasion helps build trust and credibility. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the foundation of building relationships, which is critical for influence. Influence requires trust, and we grow trust by nurturing relationships.

Practical Example: Incorporate workshops on influence techniques, such as Cialdini's principles of persuasion, combined with EQ training to enhance the team's ability to connect with prospective clients effectively.

Examples of Leveraging EQ and Cialdini’s Principles:

  • Reciprocity: Demonstrate genuine care for clients by providing valuable information or assistance without expecting anything in return, fostering a sense of obligation and trust.
  • Social Proof: Share success stories and testimonials from satisfied clients to build credibility and trust.
  • Empathy: Actively listen to client concerns and show understanding and support, making clients feel valued and heard.

Step 3: “The Why is More Important than the What”

Understanding and articulating the "why" behind a company's actions is crucial. According to Simon Sinek's Golden Circle Theory, every business knows what they make or sell (the "What"), some know how they do it (the "How"), but very few understand why they do it (the "Why"). The "Why" is the core belief that drives everything an organization does. It’s the reason the company exists beyond making money.

The Golden Circle Theory

Sinek's Golden Circle Theory emphasizes three concentric circles:

  • Why: The core belief of the business. This is the purpose, cause, or belief that inspires the organization to exist.
  • How: The process or actions that enable the company to achieve its "Why."
  • What: The products or services offered by the company.

Importance of "Why"

The "Why" connects us with one another. It's about tapping into passions, purposes, and commonalities, and even embracing our differences.  This connection through the "Why" makes people-centered selling so special and effective. When a company communicates its "Why," it resonates on a deeper level with ideal clients, fostering trust, connection and loyalty.

Practical Example: Develop a narrative that highlights the company's mission and values, ensuring that all team members can consistently convey this story. This narrative should explain why the company exists and how it strives to make a difference. Regular training and internal communications can help align everyone with this core message.

Further Steps:

  • Workshops: Conduct workshops to help employees articulate the company's "Why."
  • Storytelling: Encourage team members to share personal stories that align with the company’s mission.
  • Customer Engagement: Use the company’s "Why" in marketing materials and presentations to create a more compelling and relatable message.

By focusing on the "Why," businesses can differentiate themselves in the market and build stronger, more meaningful connections with their clients. This approach not only drives sales but attracts ideal clients and also builds a loyal client base that believes in the company’s mission.

Step 4: Sharing Our Story

Effective storytelling is engaging, authentic, and informative. It builds trust and evokes curiosity, making it a powerful tool in sales. One of our least favorite sales terms is "sales pitch." This makes it all about you when it should be all about the client. Furthermore, unless we're at a "pitch competition," I don’t know anyone who likes to be pitched. What most people appreciate is a story, especially one that incorporates them and makes them the hero.

Tips On Storytelling That Make the Client the Hero

  • Understand the Client's Journey: Learn about your client’s challenges, goals, and aspirations. This helps in crafting a story that aligns with their experiences and needs.
  • Position the Client as the Hero: Frame your story in a way where the client is the protagonist overcoming obstacles. Your product or service should be the tool that helps them succeed.
  • Use Empathy: Show genuine understanding of the client’s situation. This builds trust and demonstrates that you are invested in their success.
  • Highlight Success Stories: Share examples of how other clients have successfully used your product or service. This creates a vision of success for your current client.
  • Be Authentic and Relatable: Authenticity builds trust. Ensure your story is relatable and resonates with the client’s real-life scenarios.
  • Engage and Inspire: Your story should not only engage but also inspire the client. They should see a clear path to success and feel motivated to take action.

By focusing on storytelling that places the client at the center, businesses can create more meaningful and impactful connections, leading to stronger relationships and increased sales.

Example Activity: Organize role-playing exercises where sales team members practice telling stories that make the client the hero. Use real client scenarios and provide constructive feedback to improve their storytelling skills..

Step 5: Getting Out There

Building a network through shared experiences and relationships is essential in a people-centered sales approach. Here are three ways organizations can connect with ideal clients and build relationships:

1. Participate in Industry Events

Industry conferences, trade shows, and networking events are excellent opportunities to meet potential clients face-to-face. These events allow organizations to showcase their expertise, engage in meaningful conversations, and build relationships. Be sure to do your research and show up with a game plan to maximize these experiences. 

2. Leverage Social Media and Online Communities

Social media platforms and online forums are powerful tools for connecting with ideal clients. By engaging in industry-specific groups and communities, you can share valuable content, participate in discussions, and build an online presence.

3. Host Webinars and Workshops

Offering educational webinars and workshops positions your organization as a thought leader while providing value to potential and existing clients. These events allow for direct interaction, demonstrating your expertise and understanding of client needs.

By employing these strategies, organizations can effectively "get out there," connect with ideal clients, and build lasting relationships that drive business success.

Step 6: “The Sale” & Beyond

Successful sales go beyond closing deals; they open long-term, reciprocal relationships. As we like to say, “the sale is not the end, it’s just the beginning.”  This step focuses on maintaining a growth mindset around money, effective negotiations, and nurturing relationships throughout the relationship. 

Practical Example: Implement post-sale follow-up strategies that focus on relationship-building, such as regular check-ins, feedback-loops  and value-added services, to ensure long-term client satisfaction.

Examples of Successful B2B Organizations Embracing People-Centered Sales

1. Pfizer (Pharmaceutical Industry)

How They Do It: Pfizer leverages customer insights and feedback to develop and refine their products. They focus on building strong relationships with healthcare providers and patients through personalized engagement and support.

Results: Pfizer’s people-centered approach has led to increased trust and loyalty among healthcare professionals and patients, driving significant growth in their product adoption.

2. General Electric (Manufacturing Industry)

How They Do It: General Electric (GE) focuses on understanding the specific needs of their industrial customers. They provide customized solutions and continuous support to ensure their solutions meet the exact requirements of their clients.

Results: GE’s commitment to people-centered sales has resulted in long-term partnerships and a solid reputation in the manufacturing industry.

3. HubSpot

How They Do It: HubSpot emphasizes inbound marketing, attracting customers through valuable content and personalized interactions. Their focus on education and support builds long-term customer relationships.

Results: HubSpot's people-centered approach has led to a loyal customer base and significant growth in market share.

4. Zendesk

How They Do It: Zendesk prioritizes customer feedback to continuously improve their products and services. They use this feedback to create user-friendly solutions that address real customer needs.

Results: Zendesk has achieved strong customer loyalty and retention rates, driving steady business growth.

Why You Should Adopt a  People-Centered Sales Approach

By focusing on building genuine relationships, leveraging emotional intelligence, and aligning sales and marketing efforts, you can create a seamless and personalized client experience. This approach fosters trust, enhances customer satisfaction, and drives long-term loyalty. Additionally, it empowers your teams to understand and address client needs more effectively, leading to higher conversion rates and sustainable growth. 

A people-centered sales strategy will unlock the full potential of your organization and cultivate lasting success.

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