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The Best Sales Advice I Ever Got Was From An Instagram Reel: 15 Tips to Boost Your Sales

September 4, 2024
The Best Sales Advice I Ever Got Was From An Instagram Reel: 15 Tips to Boost Your Sales

As I scrolled through Instagram one evening, a reel stopped me in my tracks. It wasn't just another viral dance or cooking hack; it was a goldmine of sales wisdom, packed into bite-sized nuggets. These pieces of advice resonated deeply with me, aligning perfectly with the core values and mission of RB Consulting. Here, I’m sharing these 15 invaluable lessons and explaining why they are essential for sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and business owners alike to embody in their practices.

1. People buy with emotion, then justify with logic.

People often buy things because of how they feel. Emotions play a huge role in decision-making in both business to business and business to consumer sales. Connecting with your client's feelings helps you understand their needs and desires and them understand the value your solutions bring to their needs and desires.. After they feel good about their choice, they use logic to justify the purchase.

2. Sell the transformation, not the product/service.

People want to know how your  solution will change their life and/or their business. Focus on how it will make things better for them, like saving time or improving their health. When clients can see the positive changes, they are more likely to buy. It's the transformation they care about, not just the solution features.

3. Don't argue your prices; know your worth and stand by it.

Be confident in your prices. Believing in the value of what you offer and standing by it shows clients that you respect yourself and your work. When you argue about prices, it can make you seem less confident. Clients will respect you more if you know your worth.

4. Study psychology, cognitive bias, and body language, no matter your industry.

Learning about how people think and act helps you understand and meet your clients' needs better. Psychology teaches you why people make certain decisions. Cognitive bias shows how people might think in certain situations. Body language helps you read your clients' feelings and reactions.

5. It's easier to sell an offer that solves a pain than one fulfilling a desire.

People are more likely to buy something that fixes a problem they have. Always start by finding out what problems your clients need help with. When you solve their pain, they see real value in your offer. Fulfilling a desire is good, but fixing a pain is even better.

6. Be honest if you can't solve a client's problem.

Always be truthful. If you can't help a client, it's better to refer them to someone who can. This builds trust and can lead to future opportunities. Being honest shows that you care about their success, not just making a sale.When possible, partner with someone who can solve their problems to expand your offerings.

7. There will always be a market for health, wealth, and relationships.

These three areas are always in demand because they are important to everyone. Focus on these areas to stay relevant. Products and services that improve health, wealth, or relationships will always attract customers. These are universal needs that people will always care about.

8. Compete on value, not price.

Don't try to be the cheapest. Focus on offering great value, which sets you apart from others. When you compete on value, you show why your product or service is worth the price. Clients will appreciate the quality and benefits more than a lower price.

9. A 5th grader should be able to understand your writing.

Keep things simple and clear. This way, more people will understand and be interested in what you are saying. Avoid using complex words or jargon that might confuse people. The clearer your message, the more effective it will be.

10. If what you're selling is confusing, no one will buy.

Make sure your message is clear. If people don't understand what you're selling, they won't buy it. Confusion leads to hesitation and doubt. A clear, simple message helps clients see the value right away.

11. Use the same words and phrases as your target market to increase conversion.

Talk like your clients. Using their language shows you understand them and builds trust. When you use the same words and phrases, it feels more personal and relatable. This makes it easier to connect with your audience.

12. Start growing by saying yes to many opportunities but learn to say no for continued growth.

In the beginning, take all the opportunities to grow. Saying yes helps you learn and build experience. Later, focus on what fits best with your goals and values. Learning to say no helps you stay focused and continue growing.

13. Social proof, scarcity, risk-free guarantees, and bonuses make an irresistible offer.

These elements make your offer very attractive and hard to resist for clients. Social proof shows others trust you. Scarcity creates urgency. Risk-free guarantees and bonuses add extra value.

14. The less you care about making sales, the more sales you make.

Don't be too focused on just making sales. When you genuinely want to help clients, sales will naturally happen. Caring more about your clients' needs builds trust. This trust leads to more sales in the long run.

15. It's okay to fire clients that don't align with your values.

Not every client is a good fit. Working with clients who share your values leads to better relationships and results. It's okay to let go of clients that don't align with your values. This allows you to focus on those who do.

These tips show how important it is to put people first and use smart strategies to build strong connections and offer great value. By following these tips, you can improve your sales and make a bigger impact.For more tips and personalized help, visit our website at RB Consulting. Let's work together to take your business to the next level.

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